Tuesday, February 14, 2012


 There is something laying heavy on my heart, and so I have decided I must write about it.  Andrew (my 10 yr old son) came home from school yesterday, and told me about a boy that hit him on the bus. He said the boy was messing with a girl & calling her names & making her cry! When he told the boy to stop, the boy hit him. Of course, my 1st response was, "Did you tell the bus driver?" I knew that Andrew had not hit the boy back, because as some of my family has called him, Andrew is a Gentle Giant. He has one of the biggest, softest hearts of anyone I have ever known. When he was in 1st grade, he was severely bullied by a boy that was half his size & even bitten by the kid at recess! I talked to the school numerous times, and after threatening to go to the school board, it was finally taken care of. But, I have to say, that was a horribly  painful time. Andrew stopped wanting to go to school, and his weight ballooned. I tried everything I could do to let him know how amazing he was, but when a child is forced to go to school & be bullied, it takes a massive toll on their self esteem. My heart ached for my little baby boy. The entire thing just blew my mind! All of my children are always dressed nice when they go to school, their hair is always done. Andrew has never picked on anyone in his life. Why was this happening? I began to question myself. Had I raised my children to be to polite? To nice? With to many Christian qualities? Had I not prepared them for the "real world"? i began to feel like I was feeding them to the wolves by sending them to school.Eventually, with a lot of love, he moved past it & everything turned out ok. When Andrew reached 3rd grade, all 3 of my brothers told me I should put him in football. That was hard for me, because I thought he was going to get crushed. Ok, I know, I am a bit overprotective! lol But, with their persistence, I put him in. He loved it! His self esteem soared! And then he went on to join wrestling. He was so happy! He loved being a part of a team & I really think it helped him be more aware of his strength. His heart was still just as sweet as ever, just filled with more happiness.

Andrew's biological Father, my 1st husband, was bullied his entire life. It really took a toll on him and later, he ended up committing suicide. If only something had been done to help him, when he was a child. When his self esteem was destroyed. Andrew does not know the truth about how he died, but honestly, I have heard of this happening with many people. That kind of thing can happen. It is very real. I know that in Andrew's case, the words they spoke to him, cut him far worse than anything physical they did. Words hurt. Words can cut you to the very being of who you are. Especially with a child.

Andrew's response to me about whether he had told the bus driver or not was, "Yes, but he said he was busy, he had to drive." The bus driver they have right now, has been subbing for a few weeks. (Their regular bus driver had to have surgery & we will back later.)  So, then Andrew tells me that after the boy hit him, he grabbed the boys hand when he went to do it again and bent his hand back & told him to stop. He told me the boy was in his grade & he knew the boy was going to mess with hm again the next day. I told him, like I have done so many times before, to stand up for his self. I told him I was proud of him for standing up for the girl, and that he was just as important as the girl. That he should stand up for his self, like he did the girl. Late last night, Andrew came and set down next to me at the computer, where I working on editing some pictures. I asked him if he was having trouble sleeping, as I had already said goodnight & tucked them all in. Andrew raised his head & looked me right in my eyes and said, "Mommy, if he hits me again tomorrow, I am going to hit him back. Okay?" He was so serious. The look in his eyes, was heart breaking. I knew that he had lay in there and thought it over & over in his head. I could see that he understood what the magnitude of his actions could be. I told him I loved him and gave him a hug. I told him that it doesn't make you a bad person if you defend yourself. That is our right as human beings. I told him I was proud of him...

Just a little while ago, while I was at the store, the school called. The Principal left a voicemail, saying that Andrew had been involved in a fight at school. He said that Andrew tackled a boy. But that Andrew had not been the instigator, and that boy had hit Andrew in the face with his hat. Even though Andrew had tackled the boy, after only being hit with the hat, Andrew was not going to be suspended. He said that Andrew does not have a record of doing this kind of thing, so he was going to lose 3 of his recesses. I have to say, that I am so proud of Andrew! I couldn't help but be happy when I heard the message. I am just overjoyed that Andrew finally stuck up for himself.

May you always follow your convictions. May you always defend for what is right in this world. Stand up for all that is good & true. I love you Andrew, my sweet, precious little soul...

*School bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics show the 77% of students are bullied mentally, verbally and physically.    http://www.vmad.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=60&Itemid=90


  1. I say, way to go Andrew, for sticking up for the girl when nobody else did. We need more people like him in this world! And good for him for defending himself too. There is only so much a person can take before they are forced to retaliate. You have taught your children well and their sweet, caring ways prove it! It's so sad to know that there are so many parents out there that dont teach their children right from wrong and dont teach them that bullying is not ok. It just makes me sick to know that there are so many hurt by this everyday and a lot of adults (bus drivers, parents, teachers...) just turn their head and view it as normal kids stuff. Thank goodness the Principal realizes what a great kid Andrew is because he was definitely not wrong for doing what he did. (If he didnt, how long would it have gone on before something was done). Even though he doesnt know me, please tell him that I think he is a GREAT KID, and I am sure the parents of that little girl would think so too!!

  2. Thank you so much Kristi!! Your comment brought me to tears. When our children hurt, we as parents hurt, too. I want nothing more than for my children to be happy in life & I am so happy that he did what he did. I am going to let him read what you wrote. I know it will mean soooo much to him!!! Thank you!!! xoxo

  3. you're welcome, and thank you (and Juan) for being such great parents and raising such caring, compassionate children that our society so desperately needs. Without parents like you, raising children like them, where would this world be!!!

  4. Thank you!!I feel the exact same way about you and Allison <3 xoxoxo

  5. Shannon, you are a Superb Mommy! Your children will do great in life. And be beautiful people, just like you are. Andrew is so much like you! Heart and soul. You have made the best of it all and learned through your very own ~life lessons~ in growing up. Being able to Learn from God's Life Lessons in its own, is a tremendous Blessing <3
    He and his sisters will be just like you ~Live and Learn~ Gods way.

  6. Thank you so much Shayla!! I love you!! <3 <3 xoxoox

  7. Ok, I am so fighting with this myself. My little love bug is in Kndg, and came home off the bus saying that a certain little boy called her "fattie". Well I think it bothered me more than it actually did her. Since my husband and I have struggled so much with our weight issues it really hit a nerve. I use to weigh close to 300 pounds, and I was the one getting bullied. You never ever want that feeling for your own children. So I made sure to instill in her what an amazing little girl she was, and that maybe he had a crush on her since that is what boys do at that age. Well then it clicked that this poor little boy (who I wanted to go to school and give him a what for) was either being called that or hearing it somewhere in his life. This is something taught at this age. Once I found out who it was, it kind of dawned on me that he maybe being called this in his life. It made me feel bad now for the little man instead of anger. We did go to the teacher and she did speak with the parents, and no more incidents have happened. But what does this have to say about my daughter's future since this is already happening at 5yrs old?

  8. Kristy, I understand completely what you are saying! My son is such a great boy, but has dealt with bullying on and off since first grade. In first grade a boy bullied him so badly that he would come home from school distraught. I saw such a change in my sweet, happy, baby boy. He even bit him when he was knocked down on the ground & Andrew had a bruise on his butt. It devastated me. When I realized it was happening, I never wanted to send him to school again! I called the teacher, the principal & almost went to the School Board. Honestly, if it were up to me, I would keep my children with me at all times. I miss them so much when they are gone, and often times feel like I am feeding them to the wolves, by sending them to school. My husband is Hispanic, and my children go to a predominately white school. My daughter has been bullied also, being called "Blacky" and being told she has a mustache. She is very pretty, inside & out, but I worry about her self esteem, because I don't think she realizes how amazing she really is. The thought of anyone robbing my children of their self esteem, or causing any doubt in their little minds to how absolutely perfect & special they are, makes me so upset. When I was growing up, I was extremely shy, and even bullied during one of the hardest points of my life. I never want my children to experience any pain,let alone the pain of being bullied...I hate that your daughter had to ever hear those words, planting any seed at all in her precious little heart. I understand that these children suffer through things at home, yet I still can't look past the hurt they are causing our children. I know none of my children would ever say anything hurtful like that to anyone, as I am sure is true of your daughter. That being said, they come from loving homes, with parents who tell them how wonderful they are. Not from homes of verbal or physical abuse. I know it is wrong, but I have to admit that a couple times I have questioned my parenting. I have raised my kids to be kind & caring. I have tried to shelter them from any pain or darkness that this world may have to offer. But sometimes, I think maybe they are to nice. Like little lambs, surrounded by wolves...
